New Content
10/30/2020 |
Joe Biden about Poland: "totalitarian regime":
"Question to DNC"
06/11/2020 |
Four messages from PAC-Northern-California Office:
"Dear Friends"
virtual "Flag Raising"
"Dzien Polonii"
message from Mike Pompeo
04/28/2019 |
The 228th Anniversary of the May 3rd Polish Constitution
1:00-3:00 PM, Sunday, May 5th
Music Concourse, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
[Information: DOCX document] [Information: PDF document]
11/11/2018 11/18/2018 |
Please join us to celebrate this anniversary
Where? The choice is yours:
[Information: DOCX document] - 11/11 San Francisco, 11/18 San Jose
[Information: PDF document] - 11/11 Sacramento
Excerpt from the above DOCX text:
The 11th November is a special date for Poles, and very much this year Poles all over the world will be commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Poland regaining independence after 123 years of foreign rule.
The Polish state was wiped out of the map of Europe in 1795. The opportunities for regaining independence emerged only at the end of the World War I,
when the three conquerors of Poland were defeated. But the independence was not only the result of external circumstances - a very decisive factor was the Polish independence movement both within the divided country and abroad.
10/09/2018 |
Spotkanie z p. Adamem Kwiatkowskim
(Sekretarz Stanu i Szef Biura ds. Kontaktow z Polakami za granica)
oraz p. Jaroslawem Lasinskim
(Konsul Generalny RP w Los Angeles)
9 pazdziernika, godz. 19, w kosciele "Pod Wezwaniem Narodzenia Panskiego"
240 Fell Street w San Francisco
[Information: DOCX document]
05/19/2018 |
Polish Honor Riders arrive in California
Friday, June 15
[Information: HTML document]
05/19/2018 |
Polish Heritage Festival
Saturday, May 19th, 2018, 11 am to 6 pm
[Information: pdf document]
05/06/2018 |
POLAND's CONSTITUTION DAY / Obchody rocznicy 3-go Maja
Sunday, May 6th, 2018, 1-3 pm
at the Band Shell of the Music Concourse in the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco
[Information: docx document]
11/12/2017 |
Serdecznie zapraszamy na uroczyste obchody Swieta Niepodleglosci Polski w dniu 12-go listopada w Sali parafialnej kosciola Narodzenia Panskiego w San Francisco po Mszy Sw. w Intencji Ojczyzny, poczatek g. 12:00 pm.
W programie przewidziane sa wystepy dzieci ze Szkoly Polskiej im. Jana Pawla II.
11/28/2017 |
Dni_Poradnictwa (plakat w formacie PDF)
Tuesday, November 28th, 2017, 7:30pm (about 3h), 10250 Clayton Rd, San Jose
Specjalisci ZUS udziela informacji na temat swiadczen emerytalnych i praw
w oparciu o umowy miedzy Polska i USA.
Porady beda udzielane bezplatnie. Wstep wolny. |
05/07/2017 |
POLAND'S CONSTITUTION DAY Celebration (odt format)
Sunday, May 7th, 2017, 1-3 p.m., at the Band Shell of the Music Concourse in the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco
05/20/2017 |
Saturday, May 20th, 2017, 11am to 6pm, Twin Pines Park
20 Twin Pines Lane, BELMONT, CA
05/31/2016 |
Polish Heritage Festival in Belmont, June 4th
Informacja w formacie HTML badz Windows/docx
05/31/2016 |
Prelekcja Dr. Marka Ciesielczyka, 4 czerwca, 2016, 11.00-18.00 na Festivalu w Belmont, oraz 5 czerwca godz. 12:15, sala przy polskim kosciele 909 Mellus St., Martinez, CA
11/03/2015 |
Obchody Swieta Niepodleglosci
8 listopada 2015r w sali parafialnej kosciola Narodzenia Bozego
Poczatek o 10:30
Informacja w formacie HTML badz Windows/docx
11/05/2015 |
Lista prelekcji Leszka Zebrowskiego w Kalifornii (i nie tylko)
[w formacie "docx"]
03/01/2015 |
PAC 2015 Annual Meeting
will be held on Sunday, March 15, 12:30pm in the Church of the Nativity meeting Hall, at 240 Fell Street in San Francisco.
03/01/2015 |
Polish Heritage Festival Saturday, May 30th, 11 am to 6 pm
Twin Pines Park, 1225 Ralston Ave, Belmont
03/27/2014 |
Holy Mass in commemoration of Katyn Massacre and Smolensk Crash
will be held on April 13 at the Nativity Church on 240 Fell Street in San Francisco.
It will start at 10:30 and will be followed by a Polish lunch and a short commemoration event.
03/27/2014 |
2014 Annual Report, presented on our "Annual Meeting" held on March 15, 2014
03/01/2014 |
Our Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, March 15, 1pm, at
the cafeteria of the East Bay Polish American Association in Martinez,
909 Mellus St.
Please read
the announcement letter.
03/01/2014 |
70 years anniversary of the Polish American Congress, Northern California
Letter from the PACNorCal President
03/01/2014 |
May 3rd Celebration in the Golden Gate Park, the Music
on Sunday May 4th, 1pm
Please read more details at the announcement.
10/31/2013 |
On Sunday, November 10th the commemoration of Poland's Independence Day and Veteran's Day
is organized by the Polish American Congress, Polish Home Army Veterans and Polish Scout Organization...
10/29/2013 |
150th Aniversary of the Polish Society in California....
A gala reception at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco on November 9th
06/17/2013 |
Call to arms! Please ACT to win the Visa Waiver for Poland,
[.docx format] or [.txt format]
02/02/2013 |
The Richard C. Gorecki Scholarship
06/03/2012 |
The letter from PAC President, Mr. Frank J. Spula, to President Obama,
asking for an explicit public statement to correct Mr. Obama's use of "egregiously and historically incorrect attribution of responsibility for the death camps ..." :
06/03/2012 |
The petition to the Obama Administration asking for an official apology for referring to Nazi concentration camps ...
03/09/2012 |
"Szanuje wszystkie opinie" - Oswiadczenie Prezesa KPA Franciszka Spuli:
[Dziennik Zwiazkowy]
11/14/2009 |
Help us Explore the Polish Spirit